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  • Where can i find a beautician for DIBI Milano treatments in Cyprus?
    If you would like to book a targeted facial or body treatment please contact us via phone or email so that we can best accommodate you based in your needs and location.
  • How do I know which cream is for me?
    Dibi Milano l skincare lines are targeted to each type of skin. Whether its for acne or anti ageing you will be able to find the correct skincare regime that suits you.
  • Will i loose fat with with your body care products?
    Our Slimming effect products are caused by cosmetic sculpting action, this does not constitute to weight loss.
  • Do you have a store?
    yes, we are located in Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus. Please call us prior to your visit so we can best accommodate you with our in-house beauty trainer to ensure the best possible service.
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